Friday, November 30, 2007

2001 Is Over!

As a wrap-up to a couple of weeks’ worth of 2001 items, here’s the front and rear covers for a self-assembled compilation CD of various versions of “Also Sprach Zarathustra.”

Most are either imitations or variations of Deodato’s pop-hit arrangement, or attempts to be all classical-sounding.

A couple are included because of sound effects or synth overlays.

When I purchased Rhino’s great 2001 soundtrack CD a few years ago, I was amazed to realize that the version of “Daybreak” (the familiar name of the theme) in the film was DIFFERENT from the recording and orchestra featured on the original “soundtrack” album and repeated on the “Inspired By” LP. So, I opened my compilation with the “real” version from the film, and closed it with the version from the soundtrack album, the one that I’ve hardwired into my consciousness Lo! These past 29 years or so.

SPECIAL DELIVERY! For the first three people to email me, I’ll mail you a copy of this CD FREE. Just send me your mailing address in your email.

(You know, it took me MONTHS to give away the free copies of the SUPERMUSIC CD. Here’s hoping you guys have sped up since then.)

See you next week with a brand-new show!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The End of the Spread

Here are the last four pages of LIFE magazine's gorgeous spread on 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Lavish Photo Layout from LIFE

Here are the first four pages of a big ol' spread about 2001 from 1968.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

What LIFE Had to Say About 2001

Here we have our fearless movie reviewer explaining how wise Kubrick was to cut 20 minutes out of the film after its first couple of weeks' release.

Since the film was originally panned but now is becoming popular, the guy says that Kubrick's cuts must have been the magic touch.

Or, (this is just Mark's idea here). Maybe the popularity of the film was more about word-of-mouth and repeat attendances! Of course, a shorter film probably helped by making more showings per day possible too!

Boy, is it just me, or do all of these LIFE and Newsweek and Time articles just REEK of self-consciousness and pretense? You can just imagine these guys sitting down every morning at their typewriters so that they can educate the Great Unwashed out there in Cornland or Horseland.

Me? Thank God I know what a horse looks (and smells) like.

Anyway, ruminate over this semi-review of dat ol' wonder-inducing film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Coming this week -- LIFE magazine's ten-page color spread on the film!